OpenCart and Canadian Taxes
Here are the steps to setup Taxes in OpenCart if your eCommerce site is in Canada:
1. Find the latest information on Canadian Tax Rates.
2. Create One Zone per Province
- System -> Localization -> Geo Zone List
- Click Add Geo Zones Button (Blue button on the right top corner)
- Add Geo Zone Name, Description e.g. British Columbia (GST & PST) in both fields
- Underneath Click the + button in the blue square to add country and the Zone
- Select Canada under Country and the corresponding Zone from the zone (in this case British Columbia)
- Press the Save icon to save your entry
Note: the description for the Geo Zone can be entered based on the Taxes in the province e.g. in Albert you may just enter Alberta (GST)
3. Create a GST Zone for Provinces where you have Provincial and Federal Taxes adding up e.g. GST + PST
- Add another Geo Zone
- Add Geo Zone Name and Description as Canada (Provincial Taxes)
- Underneath Click the + button in the blue square to enter Country and Zone (there will be four entries here)
- Country: Canada Zone: British Columbia
- Country: Canada Zone: Manitoba
- Country: Canada Zone: Saskatchewan
- Country: Canada Zone: Quebec
4. Create the Tax Rates for each province and one for the GST.
- System -> Localization -> Taxes -> Tax Rates
- Add a record by clicking the Add Button
- Here is a sample entry and do the same for each province
- Tax Name: Alberta Tax Rate: 5 Type: Percentage Customer Group: Default Geo Zone: Alberta (GST)
- Do an Entry for the GST as follow:
- Tax Name: Canada (GST 5%) Tax Rate: 5 Type: Percentage Customer Group: Default Geo Zone: Canada (Provincial Taxes)
5. Create the Tax Class for Canada
- System -> Localization -> Taxes -> Tax Class
- Add a Record by clicking the Add Button
- Tax Class Title: Canada Taxes Description: Canada Taxes
- Underneath you will need to add all the Tax Rates that you have created
- Select Based on Shipping Address & Priority 1 for each entry
6. Make sure you change the Tax Class in the Product (Data Tab) to Canadian Taxes